Tuesday, July 18, 2006

you feel like

You feel like you are putting on a mask
where you dont even know who you are
you feel like you are lying to yourself
and everyone else that you cared the most
you feel like what you beliveded in
has shattered into unsignificant pieces of information
that you dont even understnad what they mean
you feel like you are the darkest star among the universe
that nobody sees and nobody can touched upon
you feel like you are hopelessly yelling out for help but
all what you can do is remain stiff with ur heart, your body and remain silent
you feel like you are holding back all the things you really feel
and all the things you really want to say because you are afraid of facing the truth
you feel like you are going back to where you were before
the total emptiness and the total disaster
you feel like the nights have swallow you , eaten you alive
and hitting right at you to tell the truth
you feel like being teared apart as if you are not who you are,
double personalised life one for the day one for the night

you feel like you dont know what to feel where to go when to stop how to begin and you feel like
you just want to be able to tuck in the bed and sleep peacefully for the rest of your life.


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