Sunday, August 28, 2005



回憶妳的笑聲 和體溫



...... 給奶奶......

Sunday, August 21, 2005

強力推薦 印度旅者 --女工之網站

生活的快樂 就是可以這麼簡單......


Saturday, August 20, 2005


過度的分析, 過度的評論, 過度嚴肅的看待每一部電影.....
寫著沒有人看的懂的電影感想, 電影名詞, psycho- analysis, Freud theory, Feminist or non- feminist, Auteur or non- auteur...

不過, 縱使沒有人看的懂,
我想, 我還是寫給自己爽的..........

Monday, August 15, 2005

Dislocated Mind

Why put on your sweet nice look
When you are just feeling fucking bored
Why talk about how you want to succeed and be a good citizen
When you are just pulling others’ legs behind their backs

This is such a fake world
A fucking pointless world.

Every time I open my mouth
I feel disgusted
Every time I open my eyes
I see illusions

This is just such a fake world
With jealousy , power, hate and money
That eats away your souls and controls your fucking stupid heads

Why pretending that you care about the world and people around you when you are just too afraid to be alone

Why tell others how money and social identity is the way to live good life
When you are just a fucking shitless head to live the REAL life
Why give all the fuss about love when your heart is broken to pieces

This is a fucking pretentious world
When I open my ears
I hear devils’ talks and soul-less human’s murmurings
When I breath in the air
I smell the stinks of the decaying land, rotten hearts and empty bodies

This is succ a fucking fake world
A world of pretentious living organisms
A world in hell

----Something I wrote when listening to Placebo,
Somehow the forces of anger got into me ,
triggers my hidden chain of thoughts....that has been living with me since I was young....

But dont worry, here are just some dark thoughts, that represents the moment I was in....
After all, they are just words ----------

Stealth Afterthoughts

Maybe its about the war
maybe its about the killings
maybe its about the anti-society..
I am not quite sure....
If this is the illusionist world i want to enter ...
After all it is just a FILM
where everything was being " created" ....
but somehow .... it reflects some parts of the world we live in...
The self-pursuing human nature.. which sometimes brings about disasters and sufferings for other innocent people ...
The unconcious underlying messages where Good must over come the EVil..
The love must gathers in the end......the American forces always wins ..
are just not too appealing for me...
I guess I want the Truth.....Something that doesn't have " absolute" answers...."absolute" rules...... if not the truth, the things that touched your heart, the wind that whispers at your skin, the walk around the corner, the stories , the feelings that reflect the truth about this world........
Perhaps not All good, Not all Bad, Not all pleasant, or not All melancholy...
Maybe horrible, painful, hard to swallow..... but...
the truth.........

could be as simple as a bed-time story you tell your kids, a piece of leaf falls from a tree .... But stories that came from your heart......

Perhaps I am just thinking too much.....
After all...... it is just a FILM.....